Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Moments

  • I am still in a bit of a daze. The last 7 days have been a bit surreal and I can not even begin to imagine the hell that my sister is living through. My BIL continues to be stable but is still on a vent and has a very long way to go before we will know how things are going to turn out.
  • I am feeling a little less sorry for myself today for being here and I am trying to get as much of the "stuff I have to do" out of the way.
  •  I am planning on going to the Adoption Resource Exchange on Sunday in Toronto. It is a really hard place to go and broke my heart last year but if it means we can be matched with some kids sooner rather than later than it will be worth it.
  • I am just going to the big city for the day, I will leave home early and come back for dinner, at least that is the goal because I do not think I can be gone for more than a day.
  • Calvin is back at the rheumotologist on Monday, he is asking to go sooner, his joints are giving him a really hard time. I wish I could make it better.
  • Kristen wrote a post about tools for blog reading, she mentioned the next blogger button that you takes uses your Google Reader list and takes you from blog to blog - it has changed my blog reading and now I can now I can comment without the all the clicking through. It's a little thing but a huge time saver.
  • I should be folding laundry or washing dishes. I hate both.
  • I did not get to watch the last few episodes of Glee and they are not on the Canadian network site that usually airs it, so sad for me.
  • If I am going to get anything done at all I have to step away from the computer and the internet.
  • oh and just amuse you - on Saturday Fudge looked at Calvin and asked him in all seriousness if he "had his patient pants on" I has to leave the room so I could laugh till my belly hurt


Last Mom said...

We talk about "pants", too. Grumpy pants, angry pants, sad pants, sleepy pants, silly pants, etc.

I've been reading about your BIL. My FIL had salmonella poisoning that entered his bloodstream, bones and organs a couple of years ago and it was really touch and go for about a month. (and took almost that long for them to figure out what it was!) He's doing great now, though. Sending lots of healing vibes to your BIL and family.

Sarah said...

The last few Tuesdays Glee here has been a rerun, maybe you aren't missing anything at all? and *hugs* hang in there!

GB's Mom said...

As long as you have your big girl pants on, you will be fine. I hope your trip Sunday is productive and not too difficult.

The Accidental Mommy said...

Good luck Sunday- hope that goes well!

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Ahhhhh - patient pants! I need me some of those. Let's hear about the Adoption event...The Other Mother HATES them and does not want to attend - and I think they are a decent way for kids to make connections...curious how different countries handle the process.......

robyncalgary said...

You can watch glee online on , new one on Tuesday! :)