Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Don`t Forget

I am always reminding my kids to remember things
Don`t forget your homework or your lunch. Don`t forget to treat your brother with respect. Remember that if you continue to behave that way there will be a consequence. Don`t forget you have a doctors appointment today and I am picking you up early. Remember that we can talk about that at therapy. 
It is part of being a parent. I am always trying to remember the next therapy/doctor/school appointment. I am reminding myself to buy milk and to make sure that I defrost some thing for supper. I remind myself not to yell at my kids and to be more patient with Fudge. I try not to forget not to get lost in the shuffle and to take care of myself as well as my family, the house, and work. 
Sometimes though in the business of being a parent to kids who have busy lives and lots of challenging behaviour I forget that they are children and sometimes we need to let loose and have a little fun....
The rest is at Hopeful Parents, head on overPublish Post


The Accidental Mommy said...

HA, I was just saying that I am SO TIRED of being the brain for 4 people. Seriously, I could use an extra brain for my own stuff, let alone be carrying around everyone elses!

Marcy Payne said...

Amen to all that!!