Thursday, December 3, 2009


I woke with a migraine this morning, it coloured my whole day so to speak, coloured it almost black. The migraine and the fact that my day started with Fudge wetting his bed so spectacularly that he was wet from head to toe and so was his pillow... he snuck a glass of water before bed last night.* I had a lot to do and no time for my head to hurt. It exhausted me to the point that I fell asleep in the tub, you know you are tired when you fall asleep in the tub for 20 minutes and it is not even 8 pm yet.

P took Calvin to see a friends daughter in a Midsummer Night's Dream, (I hope he was well behaved ) and they are not home yet. Fudge and I watched Shrek the Hall ( a big treat) and he was in bed at 7:30. I had a bath, fell asleep, did some dishes and now I am here typing.

We are having 85 people over on Saturday. I may or may not have enough food for all of them. Tomorrow the boys are staying home from school and we are putting up our tree and tidying the house up. We only really clean for occasions... other than the most basic day to day stuff because I can live with the mess and so can P. There little brother is coming over for the day as he is without daycare tomorrow, he is 3 and they love him to bits so I am happy to have him.
I am off to knit till P and Calvin get home

*don't even get me stated on Fudge this week, man oh man is he trying to drive me around the bend.


Lisa said...

Migraines suck. Not a good day for it today either. (Not that there ever is one.)

Deep cleansing breaths. I'll take some with you. :)

The Accidental Mommy said...

By the way, if you are going to stick kasha in your perogies, I may make the trip. Alone. LOL!
Shrek the Hall, omg I told The Husband someone on meth must have written it. It was so manicky!
Get better!

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Migraines SUCK (I take Zomig inhalers for mine - a miracle drug!!!!) Still drooling over the pierogies - but 85 people??? YIKES.

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