Thursday, January 27, 2011


If you are interested in reading the wonderful, spectacular Mama who writes at Finishing Off My Family you are in luck because she has begun blogging again, you can find her here. Respect her need for privacy though and please only share in a very general way without links to the past, if you know what I mean.

P.S. Our morning was not great but  not because of the sharing I did last night but instead  because I was GROUCHY cause someone broke something and would not admit to it and Fudge was tired cause he did not go to sleep till after 10 even though he was in bed at 8:30... no melatonin last night as we were out and I forgot, won't do that again!


GB's Mom said...

I found the same spectacular Mom. It made my day. BTW, never run out of melatonin :)

Lisa said...

So tickled T is back.
I'm betting you'll have melatonin tonight. :)

MariaG said...

Also excited that "T" is back. Thanks for the heads-up! I've checked pretty much daily and was just today wondering who might have an update. Hopefully things are well with her be family ... I'll be checking in right now ...