Saturday, January 22, 2011

A few answers

We went to Children Hospital for an appointment with the GI clinic yesterday and finally got a few answers for Calvin, well not real answers but we are moving toward answers.

To make a long story short ( there is back story here and here) the doctor who we met with agreed that clearly there is something more going on than just chronic constipation and we need to find some answers. it appears from the x-ray that perhaps he has some motility issues (given that things look just like they did before he was hospitalized) and they may be a result of the withholding of stool he did as a younger child and the resulting damage or it may be because there is actually something wrong with his colon.

We talked about options and they may involve a bunch more tests that would need to be done in another big city because our big city does not do them but it would not be anything we could not do in a day or two. We will not for a couple of weeks though. In the meantime we are working on cleaning him out at home this weekend with some serious medicine and clear liquid diet and then keeping him "cleaned out" with a double dose of PEG, that would be double the adult dose for the next few weeks until we get all the blood work back and then we will make a plan of attack. Knowing that there is a plan  and that there is a doctor who is listening ( finally) makes me feel a little better about the whole situation but I am still pretty annoyed that it had to get this bad before anyone would listen to me.

In the meantime my boys and I are going to continue our movie marathon and be happy that they are letting us do this at home rather than in the hospital because another few days in the hospital is so not my idea of a good time and if we can avoid I will.


GB's Mom said...

I am glad you can treat Calvin at home instead of the hospital. A movie marathon sounds better than any hospital I have ever been in.

Shauna said...

I think a bog city visit may require some God mother supervision...

Sarah said...

I hope today goes better for both of you! Enjoy the movies.

Lisa said...

So glad you're FINALLY getting some results. BDT - Bout damn time.

Relieved too...